Как бороться с «песком» в глазах

How to cope with the “sand” in the eyes

Как бороться с «песком» в глазах

The feeling of “sand” in the eyes is somehow familiar to all people. Its occurrence may be related to several factors, but the most vulnerable group are active users of smartphones, tablets, and computers.


Fatigue in the eyes is only an external manifestation of a whole set of factors that can ultimately lead to deterioration of sight. It is the cause of myopia and other diseases of the eyeball.


What are the reasons for the “sand” effect in the eyes and how to deal with them?


“Sand” in the eyes is the sensation of the presence of small foreign bodies on the surface of the eyes.


It can occur on its own, signaling fatigue, or it can be an external manifestation of various specific diseases. In the latter case, a burning sensation in the eyes may be accompanied by such symptoms as:

      • feeling of dryness of the surface of the eyeball;
      • discomfort or pressure in the eye;
      • specific purulent or mucous discharge;
      •  swelling of the eyelids;
      •  redness of the surface of the eye;
      • pain or sting;
      • increased lacrimation and abnormal reaction to bright light;
      • deterioration of vision.

There are many reasons why your eyes can hurt. For example, mechanical damage, when in windy weather, dust, sand, metal particles, or dirt can get under the eyelid and scratch the surface of the eyeball even before a tear wash it off.


At the same time, the eyes turn red and begin to water profusely, interfering with full vision. 


The second factor in the possible appearance of the “sand” effect in the eyes is such specific medical pathologies and diseases as lagophthalmos, blepharitis, keratitis, and others.


But the most common reason for the so-called “dry” eye syndrome, in our age of total digitalization, is a change in the characteristics of the protective tear film or its decrease in its concentration.


The tear film is normal, natural protection for the eye, which provides the surface with lube for the effective operation of the eyelids. 

Also, it saturates the cornea with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, protects it from microbes and pathogenic microorganisms, and prevents it from drying out.


To perform these functions, the film must constantly maintain its chemical composition and concentration at an optimal level.


The causes of dry eye syndrome can be:

      •          fatigue;
      •          lack of sleep;
      •          improper nutrition;
      •          intense physical activity;
      •          taking medications;
      •          using “soft” contact lenses;
      •          long-term stay in air-conditioned rooms;
      •     the prolonged concentration of attention on the screen of a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

The connection between improper use of a mobile phone and poor eyesight has long been confirmed by numerous medical studies. 


According to statistics, concentrating attention on the screen, the user blinks about three times less often than usual, which leads to dryness of the eye surface, myopia, and disruption of the normal functioning of the brain.


A team of scientists from University College London argues in their work that the blinking process serves as a kind of switch for our brain that allows us to reboot regularly to work efficiently.


If at the moment you have the feeling of “sand” in the eyes, you do not undergo a course of specialized treatment, then, in the end, it can turn into a chronic form of the disease, partial or complete loss of vision.


According to ophthalmologists, timely completion of procedures or taking medications can eliminate the danger to your eyes, preserve or restore the previous acuity and quality of vision for most patients.


What to do with the burning sensation in the eyes? First of all, it must not be allowed to:

      • rubbing your eyes with your fingers or using handkerchiefs, towels, or napkins for this. It will only exacerbate the painful sensations;
      • try to remove trapped particles from the eye by yourself;
      • use eye drops without consulting a doctor or other self-medication methods;
      • wear contact lenses;
      • continue to use gadgets or computers in the same mode.


Be sure to consult your doctor for advice. Only an ophthalmologist will be able to correctly determine the causes of the disease, prescribe the correct set of medications, and give recommendations on the mode of work or rest.


It is strongly discouraged to use any self-medication methods, which in most cases, only worsen the symptoms of the disease.


Remember that the most effective way to cope with the “sand” effect is prevention. 


We recommend you follow a few simple rules to help maintain the health and visual acuity of your eyes:

      •  take regular breaks when using gadgets or a computer;
      •  do not rub your eyes when using contact lenses;
      • protect your eyesight from intense radiation. Quality sunglasses will help protect against bright daylight, car headlights, or glare;
      • take breaks from wearing contact lenses;
      •  use only medications, vitamins, or eye drops prescribed by your doctor;
      • get regular rest and eat well. Lack of sleep, unhealthy diet, overwork immediately affects the quality of vision and the health of your eyes;
      • use special programs while working, relaxing, or playing on your smartphone or computer.


The latter recommendation is a simple and effective way to deal with “dry eye syndrome”.


The program installed on the phone or other gadget works as a kind of alarm clock, reminding you of the need for regular blinking.


It allows you to moisturize the surface of the eye. It does not require the use of expensive and harmful medicines or drops, and maintains health at any age, both for children and adults.



Read also: The main reasons for the deterioration of visual acuity in adults