Основные причины ухудшения остроты зрения у взрослых

The main reasons for the deterioration of visual acuity in adults

Good news! From October this year, it will be available for the installation of the Blink mobile application on your smartphone as well as your child’s smartphone.



This useful app will remind you that it’s time to blink, just at the moment when you are “stuck” on your smartphone. Read in our article about the importance of timely blinking and what sticking leads to.  



Zhurba Vitalia Sergeevna

Ophthalmologist for adults and children.

Work experience – since 2007,

“Ophthalmological Center of Doctor Kurbanov”


Visual impairment is one of the most common problems that lie in wait for a modern person. At the same time, vision is an invaluable gift that should be cherished, because often we get the most information about the world with its help.

More and more often, very young people complain to constantly eye hurt. They can’t see the objects in the distance, and prolonged use of gadgets provokes fatigue. 

Ophthalmologists confirm: in recent years, diseases of the eye have significantly rejuvenated. Just remember: 30 years ago, glasses were most often worn by older people who have retired or completely senile old persons. 

But today, very young people often come to the optician, including teenagers and young girls or boys.


Let’s find out what affects the deterioration of vision and how to deal with these negative factors?


The main factors of visual impairment in adults

First of all, remember that the reasons due to which vision becomes worse are divided into internal, depending on the person’s history, his congenital characteristics and past diseases, and external. 

Moreover, the latter is more common!

Congenital and internal factors of decreased vision

These reasons include the peculiarities of human physiology. In particular, these are congenital or acquired causes after the illness. These include:

    • Heredity: myopia, hyperopia, and glaucoma are often inherited from parents. So, if your parents or grandparents have been diagnosed with these diseases, you are more likely to be susceptible to them.
    • Congenital eye pathologies are not uncommon. And they can be compensated for in childhood, but appear in adulthood.
    • Prematurity is one of the main reasons why vision begins to deteriorate over time.  According to studies, about a third of children born prematurely have vision problems in adulthood.
    • Infections: even banal flu can lead to decreased vision. And even more so, serious diseases such as meningitis or encephalitis can provoke a decrease in vision.
    • Diseases that lead to a decrease in the quality of life: diabetes, human immunodeficiency virus, strokes, and heart attacks can provoke a deterioration of vision.

External factors that affect vision

To a large extent, these factors include everything that surrounds us and makes up our daily routine.


  • Eye strain because of the phone is one of the most popular problems of humanity. At a time when a crucial part of the population has smartphones or tablets, the load on vision increases several times, and the reason for this is the flickering of the screens of smartphones or tablets.

  • Insufficient lighting during work or play: If you strain your eyes in a room to see what is written, it is time to think about how to increase the lighting.

  • Bad habits: do you think smoking affects only the lungs? No, it is not. The dame like alcohol, nicotine causes vasoconstriction, which means your eyes are getting less blood than they need. Therefore, you should not neglect this factor, but it is definitely worth giving up bad habits.

  • The sun is not only a source of vitamin D and a necessity for your eyes but also an enemy of your vision. Do not go out under intense ultraviolet light without protective glasses.

  • Stress and lack of sleep are some of the most important reasons why the modern person has a lot of problems with health. If you overwork or do not allow yourself to rest, experience stress, and do not care about your sleep schedule, your eyes will suffer. 

  • Mechanical damage is a problem for some categories of people employed in hazardous work. For example, welders, miners, stonecutters, workers of hot shops suffer from mucosal damage. Of course, no one is safe from mechanical damage because dust from the air that falls onto the mucous membrane of the eyes can lead to inflammation and decreased vision.

  • Excessive dryness of the eyes – due to air conditioners, constant contact with gadget screens, age-related dryness.


All these factors are the reasons why visual acuity is below normal.


How can you affect your vision deterioration?

Methods for improving visual acuity can be divided into routine and medication. The meds will be offered to you by an ophthalmologist because only a professional can choose the therapy for you according to the peculiarities of your problem. 

But in your daily schedule, you can introduce ways to restore visual acuity and improve an already existing situation. We will tell you about this in more detail.

Prevention of decreased visual acuity includes a complete analysis of your lifestyle and the introduction of new, beneficial habits, thanks to which you can pause the weakening of vision and increase vigilance.


What is included in such prevention?

  • Let us start with global measures: you need to review your lifestyle in general. Often, the cause of low vision is a sedentary lifestyle, which reduces blood flow and does not receive enough blood supply to the eyes. Therefore, make sure that physical activity and walking take up a large part of your day.

  • Sleep is also essential. Have you noticed that after a lack of sleep, you feel pain in your eyes? These are symptoms that your eyes have not got enough rest, increase your sleep time, and you will feel better.

  • Food should include vegetables and fish, as it is the source of vitamins necessary for vision.

  • The mode of work with gadgets and computers is the basis for a modern person. If you often use the phone or work with a laptop for more than 5-6 hours a day, you are just familiar with dry eye syndrome. It occurs because of your passion for work or entertainment when you forget to blink and moisten the mucous membrane and lens with moisture.

To avoid all these problems, you should adjust your lifestyle, revise your diet. In order not to forget to blink in time, you should use modern technologies. 

Just download an application that will remind you to blink, and at the same time will distract your eyes from the screen.

Remember that only comprehensive actions will show results and help you preserve your eyesight. Therefore, do not refuse any of the points of our recommendations, and be healthy!


Read also: Impact of modern technology on eye health