7 основных причин ухудшения зрения

7 main causes of blurred vision

Relevant information! October 2020 – the release of the mobile application Blink, which can be installed on smartphones to take care of saving the eyesight.



This application will always remind you that it is time to blink when you are stuck in the gadget screen and forget about it. Read more info about the necessity to blink on time in the article below.


Mangitaeva Aigul Minsharovna

Ophthalmologist for adults and children.

Work experience – since 1989,

“Ophthalmological Center of Doctor Kurbanov”


As doctors say, loss of sight gradually moves from signs of the withering of the body into many quite “young” problems. 


Today the statistics are relentless: more than an eighth of the 8 billion population suffers from some kind of visual impairment.


What leads to deterioration of sight? There are many reasons. We have identified the main reasons for blurred vision in adults and children. There are 7 of them! 


Let us learn more about the main causes of visual impairment in modern teenagers and adults. 


The main symptoms that indicate vision problems


It is necessary to start by describing the symptoms that may indicate that your eyes need medical diagnosis and help. 

There is no precise definition of visual impairment purely by the symptoms that will be noticeable to the patient. To make a diagnosis, you will need an examination by an ophthalmologist. 

But there are also “warning signs” that should not be ignored.


      • A noticeable contrast in the clarity of vision in different eyes. If you see more clearly with one eye than with the other, you should already make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and get a checkup. 
      • Inability to concentrate on one object for a long time: according to statistics, such visual impairment has become more and more common in recent years.
      • Constant fatigue in the eyes. If the eyes cannot stand natural light, hurt even with minimal exertion, and do not allow working in full, you should think about diagnostics by an ophthalmologist.
      • Redness of the eyes as a permanent symptom: normally, the sclera of the eye should be transparent, but often the vessels of the eye become inflamed due to mechanical influences, high pressure of the fundus, lack of sleep, or overload.
      • Eye strain because of the phone: gadgets take up a large part of our life, and their constant use can lead to a feeling of fatigue and headaches. If such symptoms exist, it is worth consulting a specialist on how to cope with them.

 Why does a vision become worse?

There are more than a hundred reasons for the deterioration of visual acuity in humans. And the clinical picture will be different for each patient. But there are also those factors that are obvious to everyone:

      1. Prolonged pastime behind the screen of digital devices. Imagine that you have been working at the computer in the office all day. After work, you step outside the office, and … the first thing you do is go to your mobile phone apps to reply to messages or play while going home. Then, after dinner, you pick up your smartphone again, read the news, play games, write messages, or watch videos. And so day after day. Where in this schedule is there a time for the eyes to rest? That is right, it does not exist! Therefore, gadgets are one of the main problems that cause vision loss. 
      2. Further, you work in your office, in the workplace, at home. But do you have enough indoor lighting for your eyes? Often it is insufficient lighting that leads to myopia.
      3. What is your location? Do you know how much our eyes suffer from bad ecology? The amount of dust and mechanical particles on the streets, allergenic pollen, animal hair, exhaust, and gases affect the eyes like real sandpaper. Of course, they provoke loss of vision. 
      4. Surprisingly, lack of sleep also provokes a loss of eyesight. If your sleep time is not enough to fully recover your body. Your eyes may respond to a lack of sleep with blurred vision, nervous eyelid tics, and dry eyes.
      5. Sunlight is useful for you. But looking at the sun without additional protection for eyes is fraught with not the most pleasant consequences. Just think: Do you wear sunscreen when you tan? Do the same with your eyes: wearing sunglasses will help protect your eyes. 
      6. Poor nutrition is another risk factor. Vision is affected by the consumption of vitamins A, E, and C. Therefore, if your diet has a lack of these vitamins and products that contain them, then the loss of vision is a natural result.
      7. Bad habits. Such as alcohol and smoking. These habits increase the risk of macular degeneration (death of the part of the retina responsible for central vision) by half.

As you can see, most of the reasons are related to our lifestyle. These reasons are especially relevant for visual impairment after the age of 40.  

Although, young people are not immune to such problems because congenital factors are often added to external factors: a genetic predisposition to vision pathologies, birth injuries, and other reasons.

How to protect your eyes in the modern rhythm of life?

Saving good eyesight is directly related to the organization of the correct daily routine. It means that you should start with nutrition, controlling the amount of sleep, and protecting your eyes from external factors with sunglasses. 

Also, you need to adjust the lighting level in the room where you work or live. And, of course, you need to properly organize the mode of handling mobile gadgets. 

So, do not spend a long time behind them, take mandatory rest periods, and, most importantly, do not forget to blink!

It is proven that when playing or watching videos, enthusiastic users of smartphones forget to blink, and because of this, the eye is prone to drying out. 

To form a good blinking habit, install a special app on your smartphone that will remind you to blink. 

If you are looking for a way of improving visual acuity, follow these simple recommendations, watch out for factors that affect vision loss, and get regular checkups at the ophthalmologist.


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Prevention of eye health when using a smartphone